Marcos Covelo´s work is based on the use of different creative strategies related to appropriation, post-production and serial works. Some time ago he began his artistic research through the seek and compilation of images through the mass media and his own records, which he systematically order and classify by groups. Later, all these records are used as working material in my work.


This process is based on recycling already informed images, and turning them into a new context which changes or contrasts with the initial meaning of the source. He manipulate the images by confronting them with other elements, tending to make an ironic use of the mass media imaginary. As Nicolas Bourraud points out in his work Postproduction, this type of process tries to “take hold of all the codes of culture, of all the formalizations of daily life, of all the works of world heritage, and make them work.” The result is a juxtaposition of elements represented through a defragmentation of the image.


He believes that the notions of low culture or high culture that Umberto Eco told to us about in his work Apocalyptic and Integrated today became a reality which constantly interacts in the media. This kind of heterogeneity of elements converge with each other achieving unique examples in our society. A comic or graphic novel can cover human complexity in its entirety, just like a text by C. Levi Strauss about the existence of common patterns between different human races. It is interesting to him to bring together disparate elements that initially do not have a direct relationship, but creating a common thread can become to configure a formal and theoretical discourse, taking us to a new stage of knowledge. This -doing- of bringing together a great heterogeneity of elements activates a line of work, appropriation. Appropriationism is a work procedure that adapts very well to the imaginary of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). The amount of imaginary that is generated today, especially through the internet and social networks, it’s overwhelming. Most of the information we find is trivial, superfluous or does not generate immediate interest in us. However, all this is within a context in which we can extract theories about anthropology and at the same work based on that imaginary. It is precisely here where appropriationism is shown as a key tool to create work by turning it into new work scenarios.





- Associate Professor of the Department of Drawing at the University of Vigo since 2018.

- Currently studying a doctorate program in Contemporary Art, Creation and Research at the University of Vigo.

- Member of the DX7 research group of the Faculty of BB.AA. from Pontevedra. 2018-2019.

- Travel scholarship, Mobility aid program for research staff at the University of Vigo (Vice-Rectory for Research and Transfer). Destination Portugal. 2018

- Award for academic excellence for new doctoral students at the University of Vigo, course 2017/2018 Pontevedra.

- ERASMUS internship scholarship, Savvy Contemporary. -from 07/01/11 to 10/01/11- Berlin (Germany)

- Master in Contemporary Art, Creation & Research, Universidade de Vigo, Pontevedra 2010-2011 (Spain)




- Premio Ayuda a la Creación del VEGAP. (Madrid)


- 2º Premio en el 11º Premio Auditorio de Galicia para jóvenes artistas. Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)


- Premio de Pintura Universidad de Vigo 2018. (Vigo)


- Premiado con el proyecto El rapto de Europa entre las propuestas para la creación en artes visuales para la Zona “C”, Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)


- Residencia Artística Fundación Bienal de Cerveira 2014 -del 17 de Octubre al 11 de Noviembre-, Vilanova de Cerveira (Portugal)


- Residencia Artística Home Base Lab, - Abril, Mayo y Junio de 2012- Berlín (Alemania)


- Beca Novos Valores 2010 (Premio especial de pintura José Fernández López), Deputación de Pontevedra


- 2º Premio en el VIII Certamen de Artes Plásticas, Deputación de Ourense



- El sueño de Ícaro, SVT Espacio de Arte, Comisariado: Ángel Cerviño (Vigo)


- El rapto de europa, Zona “C” Santiago de Compostela


- The answers are blowin’ in the wind, Fundación Rac, (Pontevedra) 2014

- Ceci n’est pas un mur, Sala Alterarte de Ourense, Comisario: Nono Bandera (Ourense)




Spectrum, en Estudio Abierto, Comisariado por: Josias Figueirido y Alberto Santos. (Vigo)


- Campos de sementes, Fundación RAC (Rosón Arte Contemporáneo) comisariado: Xosé Manuel Buxán y Sara Donoso. (Pontevedra)

- El negro secreto de su panza blanca, en el Museo Centro Gaiás, Santiago de Compostela. Comisariado: Beatriz Espejo (A Coruña)

- Cultivar incertezas (Reformular el espacio. Conmocionar la mirada) en el CGAC (Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo), Santiago de Compostela. Comisariado: Ángel Cerviño. (A Coruña)

- XVII Premio Isaac Díaz Pardo, Deputación da Coruña, (A Coruña)



- Diversidade - Investigação. O complexo espaço da comunicação pela arte, Galería CTJV , Monçao (Portugal)



- VIII Premio Internacional de Artes Visuales Obra Abierta de la Fundación Caja Extremadura-Lieberbank. Plasencia (Cáceres)

- 11º Premio Auditorio de Galicia para nuevos artistas, Santiago de Compostela  (A Coruña)


- XXIV Muestra de Arte Joven en La Rioja, Sala de exposiciones de la ESDIR, (Logroño)

- Pintura em três atos, (Ângelo de Sousa, Gerardo Bermester y Marcos Covelo). Comisaria: Elisa Noronha. Forum Cultural de Cerveira (Portugal)


- XV Premio Isaac Díaz Pardo, Deputación da Coruña, (A Coruña)

- Premio Mardel artes visuales, Centro del Carmen de Valencia.  (Comunidad Valenciana)

- Un rolo de papel continuo. Comisaria: Susana Cendán. Exposición intinerante:

Sala X de Pontevedra, Sede Afundación – ABANCA -A Coruña- y Sede Afundación – ABANCA -Vigo-


- Sin Respeto, Galería Combustión Espontánea, (Madrid)

- 14º Mostra de Arte Gas Natural Fenosa, en el MAC, A Coruña

- Afinidades Selectivas 9, Casa da Cultura Galega, colaboración con el artista con Nono Bandera. (Vigo)

- 9º Premio Auditorio de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)


- Alrededor de una pasión, Diálogo entre un coleccionista y una comisaria. Centro Huarte de Pamplona, comisariado: Alicia Ventura.  (Navarra)


- 8º Premio Auditorio de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela  (A Coruña)